CLINICS can be an integral part of training for twirlers due to the length & intensity of the clinic. The consistency and constant feedback can add to a twirlers success. Newer twirlers can learn quicker, keep up on skills, review and learn many tricks. Competition twirlers gain control, consistency & routine perfection. Also while learning new tricks, trying new moves, and working intensely to improve skills, twirlers have fun spending time with their friends learning material together, have the opportunity to meet and make new friends, and create a network within the twirling community.
Upcoming Clinic:
Milan Community Education Twirling Weekend
November 5th, 2023
Milan Middle School Gym
1:00-1:30 PM
Here are photos from our College Forum and Twirl Clinic (April 9, 2022) and Mini Milan Clinic (May 15, 2022).